
Jesus is Making us a Plate of Fudge John 16:33

John 16:33
I have told you all this that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But be of good cheer because I have overcome the world.

When we get ready to make a plate of fudge we take all the ingredients and place them in a pan with liquid and heat it up. Before the heat is added the ingredients in the pan are not the fudge, they are the source of the final solution we are waiting for as we add heat and stir the ingredients. When we start making a batch of fudge we are not sad but of good cheer even though the final outcome is not finished. Jesus tells us that just like the ingredients in the fudge we will have ingredients in our lives that bring trials and sorrows. It is like cooking fudge in a pan, all the ingredients are in there, when the heat is applied, (worldly pressures); the internal ingredients begin to form into the solution we have been waiting for. Like the enjoyment of the fudge after heating the ingredients together, we get to enjoy the solutions God gives us thru Christ, freeing us from the worldly pressures, which not only strengthens us, but completes us in Him. The end result tastes so good, and is just what we were waiting for all along.

fudgeFudge Ingredients for Good Cheer

We know that Jesus has made a way to reverse the curse of Adam in our lives by the undeserved trials and sorrows He went through. In John 16:32 Jesus had just told the disciples they were about to be scattered,  sorrowful and have many troubles. What an amazing statement of faith Jesus made saying “In Him they would have peace” and “He had overcome the world” in the next verse right before He was crucified. Jesus was calling those things that be not as though they were since He had not overcome the world yet… Jesus knew through Him all the problems in the world would be corrected after the cross. We can correct the situations in our lives speaking what the Bible says will overcome adversities; we just speak Gods Word. When we see that weapons formed against us didn’t prosper would we get happy? Well yeah, but Jesus is speaking the happiness into us before that point telling us the final outcome will bring good cheer. Just like when you added the heat to the ingredients in the pan you were not sorrowful that the fudge was not made yet. You applied the pressure with the heat and waited with good cheer until the final outcome brought the solution you were waiting on. That is what Jesus is saying in John 16:33; we are to be of good cheer because He has the final peace filled solution for us after the heat of our trials and sorrows end.

pan of fudge cooking
Jesus has overcome the world

Final Fudge Solution

Jesus tells us upfront in John 16:33 that in Him we will have peace. We can expect that no weapon formed against us is going to prosper and we will have peace. The trials and sorrows won’t prosper in what they were intended as Jesus forms them into a cheerful peaceful solution. With Jesus as our Lord and Savior we can live our lives cheerfully even in the midst of trials and sorrows. Speaking the promises God has for you in His word always helps to form the solution while it is at boiling point. It may be something as simple as saying: “I have peace in Jesus and I am going to be of good cheer since I know He has overcome the world.”

Beloved, when you are experiencing the ingredients of the world heating up trials and sorrows in your life, get cheerful in expectation. Jesus is making you a plate of fudge.

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