Seeking Whom He May Devour 1 Peter 5:8

The Empty Devil Lions Roar

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

The devil is looking for those he can devour trying to use scare tactics with an empty lions roar. The devil cannot just come up to you and rob you of your health, protection, finances or any other thing God has provided for you the believer. If the devil could do this, then he could walk right up to anyone and devour them, but we are told he is seeking whom he may devour.

There are people whom he can devour, if they fall for the empty lions roar he is giving them. The devil and his lies are readily available in the world, and the world is not improving – it just gets worse. Jesus even said in the world we would have tribulation. Then Jesus provided a way to have joy in the midst of this tribulation. He tells us to be of good cheer, He has overcome all these things that trouble you in the world. (John 16:33) If the devil was still a threat to us why would Jesus tell us to be so happy about the tribulations we have in the world? The truth is, Jesus has made a way for us to escape the temptations, trials and empty threats of the devil by faith in Him. (1 Corinthians 10:13, Matthew 11:29, Romans 8:28)

Not Devour-able By Empty Devil Threats

The devil goes about trying to stir up fear in the hearts of his victims with his roars. There are people whom these roars have no effect upon and that is why he goes about seeking the people whom he can effectively threaten. The scripture also tells us the devil is our adversary, but one with no authority in our lives. Jesus gave us power over every power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall harm us. (Luke 10:19)

The devil is not really a lion, in Genesis 3:14 he is represented as a serpent, this is another reason we know the lions roar is the sound of a bluff to represent fear and intimidation. The true Lion of Judah has rendered the devil’s empty lion roar powerless in our lives that he might destroy him that had the power of death. (Hebrews 2:14) We are told we are of God and have overcome thru Jesus, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

Be Sober, Be Vigilant; For the True Lion of Judah Broke the Devour Power of the devil

The Lion of Judah is in us, God is for us, who can be our foe when God is on our side? (Romans 8:31) You have been washed and redeemed by the blood of Jesus and everything in your life is redeemed along with you. If you hear an empty lion roar off in the distance, then claim that situation is covered by the blood of Jesus. Whatever is covered by the blood of Jesus God declares: “Protected!! Redeemed!!” Resist the devil and he will flee from you and take all of his empty threats with him. Draw close to God by claiming your blood bought rights as a Christian and He will draw close to you. (James 4:7-8) When you let the devil know that you are “In Christ” and that his intimidation’s in your life are over, you are numbering yourself among the UN-devourable!

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