The Finished Work of Jesus
John 19:30
So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.
It Is Finished, the Work Is Complete
When you have issues in life like sickness, anger problems, family problems, or financial problems do you sometimes wonder when God is going to do something to help you? Have you considered looking at the problem as “It is finished” in Jesus?
What do you see when it comes to healing for your sick body, restoration for your failing marriage or breakthroughs for your financial woes? Do you see a finished work or a work that is yet to be completed? God wants you to know that you can claim your restoration, healing or any other need you may have by the revelation that whatever you need Him to do for you has already been done because Jesus has accomplished it all for you.
Let me paraphrase the words of Jesus. When you pray believe you receive what you asked for instantly, as soon as you pray, and then you will have it. (Mark 11:24) So if you need healing, know that your healing has been accomplished. If you need restoration for your marriage, know that your restoration has been accomplished. If you have any lack, know that your need has been abundantly supplied. All these things have been accomplished, not by you, but by Christ alone!
Cast You’re Cares on Him and His Completed Work, It Is Finished
You might think it is difficult to cast your cares on the Lord, and without knowing how much He cares for you it would be easier said than done. When you find the promises of God in the Bible, and believe these promises are yours, you must believe that only what God’s Word says about your situation is the truth, all the lying symptoms in every situation will eventually have to line up with His Word. When these pressures and tribulations are bearing down upon you, know that it was easier for God to heal the sick than it was for Him to send His Son to die for your sins. (Matthew 9:5) In this manner it will be easier for God to fix your problem than it was to solve your sin problem.
Beloved, the Love God has for you, in every aspect of your existence, was shown when Jesus spread His arms to be nailed to a cross and said “It is Finished” just for you!