Destiny Ministrys Testimonies
Speeding Ticket – Would God Help?
A Texas Speeding Ticket In Texas a speeding ticket is a summons to appear in traffic court, and there you make a claim of guilty or not guilty. I received a speeding ticket and made a plea of not guilty and asked for a jury trial. Then I spent some time writing motions to file […]
Trike Banquet Table Prepared for Me
I recently rode my Harley to a Harley Motorcycle Dealership to test drive a Harley Trike. I wasn’t intending on making a trade, I just wanted to test drive the trike and see what it rode like. When I test drove the trike I liked it, and out of curiosity I asked the salesman how […]
When It Didn’t Rain
Trusting God for no Rain At one time I had a distributorship installing Aerobic Treatment systems that covered Dallas and Tarrant counties in Texas. This testimony is about an installation project in 1995 I had scheduled in Dallas county, about an hour from my shop. To install an Aerobic Treatment system, we would have to […]
Roosevelt Set Free From Demons by Jesus
Jesus Loves You In 1987 my wife, daughter, a friend named Ken and I were on our way home from a meeting. We stopped at a convenience store to get something to drink. My daughter and I went in and a man was at the counter trying to buy some wine. The clerk was telling […]
James 5:14 Healing By Anointing With Oil
There was a lady who lived in some apartments close to my grandmother. My mother was visiting my grandmother and met this lady, who was my grandmothers neighbor. This lady told my mom she had cancer and if someone could just give her a ride to a faith church, where the elders would anoint people […]
Toro Lawn Mower Miracle
My Second Job And Toro Lawn Mower There was a time I decided to mow grass to make extra money, I have been self employed since 1982 and this is a testimony about a Toro Lawn Mower Miracle I received from God. Over time I had gained several customers and I needed a better faster […]