87 Acre Land Miracle

Land Miracle Beginning.

This is a testimony about how we came to own 87 acres accidentally speaking it into existence thru a land miracle from God. We lived at Lake Whitney for 6 months and drove to Burleson every day to go to work. It was about an hour drive one way and my wife and daughter usually slept on the trips. In the south Fort Worth Texas area the terrain is mostly flat. There is a mountain we would pass by every day, to and from work, and I would look forward to seeing that little mountain in Itasca Texas. I would say each time we passed it: “Everyone look, we are coming up on my mountain!” with no intention of it ever belonging to me, I just said that because I liked it and claimed it as if it was something I personally liked.

Land Miracle Takes Time

We ended up having problems with the house we were living in at Lake Whitney. It was on a hill just above the lake and it was shifting and beginning to slide down the hill towards the Lake. There was a split from top to bottom that you could stick your hand thru so we decided to move closer to where we worked. The house we moved to was in Egan Texas. It was a nice little brick house that had belonged to the next door neighbors parents. The neighbor’s were constantly asking us to sell them the house and after we were there a year we decided to sell it to them. I told Debbie to try to find us some place close by with some land. Debbie had been looking for a place for weeks and she had Real Estate newspapers on the kitchen table. One morning I was eating breakfast and I casually glanced at one of the papers laying beside my plate and I saw a captioned ad that said: “87 acres for $65,000″. I thought that was an exceptionally good price and I was very interested. I called them and got directions to go and look at it.

Land Miracle Bears Fruit

As I was driving towards Lake Whitney I thought about “my mountain” and knew it was that direction. I was looking for exit number 8 as I was given directions for the drive. When I was getting closer to exit number 8 I realized I was also getting closer to my mountain. Then I realized it was the exit for my mountain, could this be a land miracle from God? As I turned on the exit I was thinking to myself: “I wonder if this could be my mountain that is for sale”.  As I continued to follow the directions I turned beside the mountain and began to realize that my words has spoken into existence this mountain being for sale, as it turned out it was “my mountain”. I ended up buying that mountain and living there, and 10 years later I sold it for more than I paid for it. What a blessing from the Lord!! Also, I found out that many of the neighbors would have gladly purchased that mountain and they later told me they didn’t know it was for sale. The lady who had owned the mountain had big signs placed in front of the property so the only way they didn’t see those signs was God saving that land miracle for me.

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