Answered Prayer

Qualified Prayer is Answered Prayer 1 John 5 14-15

I John 5:14-15
14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

Have you ever went to the bank and asked for a loan and then found that you were not approved of the loan? You had the need for the money and the bank had plenty of money but you didn’t meet their criteria according to their requirements. Now in some case you may find favor with them and they make the loan anyway, but if you qualified with the requirements you get the loan very quickly.  So it is the same in the Kingdom of God. When we want an answered prayer sometime we go at the prayer with the need but not with the qualified prayer that guarantees an answered prayer and it turns out much like an unqualified loan desire; may happen and may not.

What Qualifies Our Faith for Prayer

If I was to show you $100,000 cash and say it is yours take it, then you would not have to have faith to get it because you can see it and I gave it to you… But if I said I have $100,000 waiting for you in the next room it’s yours take it, then you would have to have faith to go get it because you cant see the money its in the next room and you would have to take me at my word… That is what God did when He said pray a prayer according to my will and you know you have been granted the answer.  All you have to do is go to the Bible, find out God’s will on your need and it is yours in the next room. Put some faith into what God’s Word says and when you pray the prayer in this manner you go get what you need. God’s Word qualifies our faith for the answer to the prayer.

How to Qualify our Prayers

Praying to God a Petition Prayer 1 John 5
Philippians 4:6
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

We can see by this verse that God’s terms to qualify our prayers are to accompany the request with supplication and thanksgiving.

Supplication equals a commitment to agree with God’s Word about your need. You find your need promised in God’s Word, agree with it by submitting it to God and then maintain agreement with it until you receive the answer to your prayer.

Thanksgiving is a grateful language offered to God in an act of worship and appreciation for the answered prayer in advance of any answer received.

Beloved, to maintain the supplication (agreement with God’s Word) and Thanksgiving (Appreciation in advance of the answer) you may want to write down your prayer request for review and recite it again for your own edification and faith remembering your supplication and thanksgiving.

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