Peace of Jesus with Us (John 14:27)

Need More Peace in Your Life

John 14:27
27Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you…

What good news we have in the New Testament. God has made available to us, in large portions, the anointed peace of Jesus. Jesus tells us “these things have I spoken to you that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye have tribulation; but be of good courage: I have overcome the world.”

After Jesus was risen He appeared to His disciples as they set behind closed doors, being afraid the Jews would kill them. As Jesus appeared to them He showed them His pierced hands and side, and as He showed them He proclaimed to them His peace saying “Peace be to you.” (John 20:19-21) We know that Jesus died for the sins of the world, His righteousness being an exchange for our sins. In this same manner Jesus also was pierced and in danger so that we could exchange what He went through for our peace and safety. This was an encouragement from Jesus to the disciples to move forth from behind closed doors and preach the gospel without fear.

The Chastisement of Your Peace was Upon Him

When you go to a New Car Dealership to buy a car, sometimes you have a trade-in. Your old car might have been abused, it may have sick parts, or maybe even dangerous conditions you don’t know about. The car dealership wants to make an exchange with you for your old sick worn out car that sometimes brings you UN-happiness, for his brand new car that has nothing wrong with it that will bring peace and happiness into your life. This dealer is willing to take upon himself the burden of all the repairs your car needs. In the prophecy of Isaiah peace53:4-6 we see that Jesus was to take the chastisement of our peace upon himself, that we may be UN-burdened from it and have a new life of peace in Him. In the same way as the new car exchange; we are to exchange our cares and anxieties and receive back the Peace and Joy that is only found in Jesus. (1 Peter 5:6-8) His peace was sent in exchange for us to have tranquility in life instead of the tribulation we find in the world.

Receive the Peace of Jesus

We can’t go out into the world and not expect that there won’t be tribulation. Jesus was not trying to be impractical telling us that we might have joy without hindrance. Jesus tells us that in the world we will have tribulation but since He has overcome the world, we can expect the outcome to be in our favor.  This is how all things work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to His purposes. (Romans 8:28)

As you go forth into the world, seeing the tribulation in day to day living, Jesus says to be of good cheer; “Get Happy” knowing you can experience the peace Jesus has for you. Keep in mind that no weapon formed against you shall prosper, instead whatever you do will prosper.(Isaiah 54:17Psalm 1:2-4) Trusting in Jesus to bring about everything in your life according to His plan will change the outcome of your life in every situation. Beloved, always focus your faith in the promises of Jesus, bringing the peace into your life that leads you to victory in Christ. (John 14:27)

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