Miracle Return Of My Guitar Tuner

I was the music minister at our church some years back and a Gospel Band Ministry group came to our church to hold a one day service. It was a short notice arrival, known only between them and the pastor, and I had my guitar and music already set up before I knew they were coming. As I was putting up my equipment, one of the band members saw my automatic guitar tuner and asked if they could borrow it to tune their instruments. I told them no problem and I showed them how to use it. When the service was over I usually waited until everyone left and then I would lock up the church. As I was loading my music equipment in my car I remembered the tuner. I looked around on the stage and the band had accidentally packed it in their stuff and taken it with them. This band was just passing thru and traveled the USA and it would be very difficult for me to contact them to get the tuner back. That tuner was very special to me since it was given to me by a good friend who had died and left it to me. So my wife, my daughter and I stood together holding hands and prayed and asked God to get me the tuner back. I told God I believed it was an accident that they took it and I didn’t want to lose the tuner since it was very special to me.  We left the church and went to lunch. When we arrived at home my daughter discovered the tuner was on her piano. God had miraculously translated it from the bands equipment to our house while we were at lunch. I thank God that He intimately cares about even the little material things that we own!

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