Won’t He Also Give Us all Blessings (Romans 8:32)

God’s Blessings to Us

Romans 8:32
He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all,
how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

The greatest blessings of God have been given to us since God values His son above everything else. Can you even think of anything that God would value more than Jesus? But God gave His own Son for you and if He is willing to give His only begotten Son, is there anything else that God wouldn’t also give since everything else is of lesser value? God is for you, for God loves the whole world enough that He gave His best for the entire world.

How Are Blessings Activated

Since we know that God gave His Son for us, and we know that God wants us to have all things, how are these blessings activated for us? In Romans 8:32 God says He wants us to receive all things freely with Him, so with Jesus God gives us all things. God does not want us to focus our love on His power but instead to focus on the power of His love.

When you receive a blessing from God and then receive another blessing from God, naturally you would count that as two blessings. But these blessings cannot be counted in numerical order since when you receive Jesus all the blessings are freely there for you to have as a joint heir and all blessings are receive when you receive Jesus. This happens much the same way as being the body of Christ, as He is in this world so are you. (1John 4:17) Jesus tells us freely we have received so we are to freely give in His name. (Matthew 10:8, Mark 16:15-18) He’s our patience, our holiness, righteousness, wisdom, finances, healing, and every expression of blessing in the Bible. These blessings are ours from God so that we will know we are deeply loved by God in the beloved.

You’re Blessings in the Beloved

When God calls you beloved it means you are the one that God loves, and He wants to build reality in your joint heir supply that you are accepted in the beloved. (Ephesians 1:6) The more people realize they are the object of God’s love; the more their lives blessingsare blessed. All people have been included in these blessings that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the gentiles through Jesus Christ.

Beloved, realize that you are the object of God’s love and you will begin to see the activated blessings that God freely gave us with Jesus. When you speak of the righteousness of Jesus that is active in your life, you speak the truths into your life that activate all that is freely given to you.

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