Romans 5:17
For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
Blessed with Righteousness
We cannot receive this righteousness by doing good nor can we loose righteousness by doing evil. We are righteous because God gave us righteousness as a gift through Jesus.
Blessed thru Jesus Righteousness
When we received Jesus Christ we received the gift of righteousness. In receiving this gift we have access to all the good things that Jesus deserved because Jesus took upon Himself all the bad things we deserved.
God is not pretending you are righteous. (2 Corinthians 5:21) God made Jesus to be sin for us (who knew no sin) that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. This verse says He made us righteous. If our righteousness is just an expression, and is not real, then Jesus becoming sin is not real. If us taking righteousness on us is not real then Jesus taking the sin on him was not real… The truth is, He became sin without doing sin and we become righteous without doing righteousness. When He became sin He took upon himself our curse, when we become righteous we took upon ourselves His blessings. Jesus was not cursed because He deserved it, we are not blessed because we deserve it…
Blessed by Inheritance of Righteousness
Beloved, we are the righteousness of God in Christ and too blessed to be stressed because Jesus qualified us to be blessed. It is our inheritance in Him through the blessing promised to the seed of Abraham, that we would receive this blessing by faith. Receive today God’s abundant provision of grace through the gift of righteousness Jesus qualified you to have, by not speaking what is but what is suppose to be!