Toro Lawn Mower Miracle

My Second Job And Toro Lawn Mower

There was a time I decided to mow grass to make extra money, I have been self employed since 1982 and this is a testimony about a Toro Lawn Mower Miracle I received from God.

Over time I had gained several customers and I needed a better faster mower. I asked God to supply me the mower I needed, and I specifically asked for a front deck, zero turn radius mower. The next week one appeared for sale just out front of a store close to my house. It was a 60 inch cut Toro zero turn radius mower with a surToro Lawn Mowerrey seat on the back. I had exactly $700 to spend on the mower and when I saw this mower I prayed that they would accept my $700 before I ever asked how much they wanted for it, and “Praise The Lord” they accepted my offer.

Lost the Toro Lawn Mower Surrey Seat

This Toro Lawn mower with a 60 inch cut, really helped me to mow the yards I was mowing in half the time. I was so pleased with what God had provided for me I would praise Him for it nearly every time I mowed grass with it. I would load this mower on the back of my trailer and pull the mower from job to job. One day I was a little careless about placing the surrey seat on the back of the trailer. I didn’t have far to go and I wasn’t thinking that it could fall off, but as I was driving I saw the surrey seat fall off the trailer in my mirror. I went to the next street to turn around to retrieve it, but when I returned to where the seat fell off it was gone. Someone had picked it up and taken it with them. I was thinking to order a new seat would probably cost more than I had paid for the mower. Then the thought came to me to place an ad in the local newspaper offering a reward to get the seat back.

God Returned The Toro Lawn Mower Surrey Seat

I called the newspaper and told them I wanted to place an ad in the paper in lost and found. I explained to the newspaper about the Toro Lawn Mower Surrey Seat I had lost. I also told them since I was believing God would return the seat, I only wanted the ad to run one day. I didn’t think God needed more than one day in the Lost and Found column, since God had miraculously supplied the mower, I believed He would miraculously supply the return of the seat too. The next day the ad came out and I received a phone call from a nice lady. She said: “Something made me pick up the paper this morning and look at the lost and found. I saw your ad and I believe my husband told me that he found something similar to what you have described on the side of the road.” She was correct… it was my surrey seat!! Praise the Lord,  God had met my need and miraculously returned my Toro Lawn Mower Surrey Seat to me! (Philippians 4:19)

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