Galatians 1:6
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel–
When the gospel is preached to the ones, who want all the benefits of what the Gospel can give them, they replace any reality thoughts, that disagrees with the Gospel, with what God says they can have in the Gospel. They grow in grace and increase their understanding of what the finished work of Jesus paid for and they experience more of the fullness of His blessings.
Jesus says: He who has ears to hear let him hear. (Matthew 13:3-9, Luke 8:5-8)
What is the Gospel
The good news of the gospel is; we can be saved by believing in the Lord Jesus, who is the Christ and sent to be the savior of the world. The gospel brings good news that anyone can receive all the blessings of Abraham according to Paul in Galatians 3:8 and Galatians 3:14. The covenant God made with Abraham delivered Abraham from the effects of the curse of Adam. One of the effects of the curse was: “Adam had to provide for himself” (Genesis 3:18-20). Because of the covenant with Abraham, God became the provider for Abraham and his descendants as He was for Adam before the curse. The gospel (all nations blessed through Abraham) was made available to all nations by Jesus sacrificing himself as the final Lamb sacrifice for the Jews. When people receive Jesus as their savior, a divine exchange takes place; Jesus receives their sins and they receive His righteousness. He takes our worst and gives us His best. That is why Paul says in 2 Corinthians 8:9, For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
The Riches of the Gospel of Grace
Because of Jesus, everything you need is already yours. It has been given to you by grace and all you need to do is grow in your understanding of how it is yours to receive. The gospel is misunderstood when the realities of sickness, poverty and danger we see all around us are incorporated into the Gospel as an accepted normal means of life sanctioned by God. The Gospel is given so we can see these bad realities of the world, caused by the curse of Adam, change into miraculous blessings of God through Jesus. Jesus walked on top of the water in the midst of the storm; He didn’t calm the water first. (Matthew 14:22-33) We also can be on top of the storms of life; with faith in Jesus and believing the full Gospel…
Beloved you can receive the truth of the Gospel for the divine exchange for your sins and stop right there. But there is more offered through Jesus than just the exchange of sins for His righteousness. The blessings of the gospel can move you into truths that change reality into what was paid for by the finished works of Jesus. The Gospel includes a divine exchange for your sins, your dangers, your sickness, your poverty and everything else caused by the curse to be exchanged for Jesus’ righteousness, health, protection, riches and everything else God intended for man before the curse.
Additional Links:
What is the Gospel?
Hi David,
Somehow, I overlooked this email until now. Thanks for it. Your keen understanding and logic places the scriptures in proper perspective and sequence. I know that God has continued to proper me and my family throughout my life in spite of the arrows that have been shot in my direction over the years. All things work together for those that love the Lord. Thanks again and may God continue to bless you. Vic
Thanks Vic,
Anyone can understand and receive from God about scriptures, I was asked about that yesterday and I pointed them to a devotional I wrote called: Unto You that Hear More Will be Given. That is what can bring the breakthrough in anyone’s life. The more you listen the more you will receive. Receive what? What you are listing to… Every need you have in life has been met through Jesus and all you need to do is listen to what He has to say about those needs. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Words of God…
Many Blessings to you and your family!