Romans 8:31 What Then Shall We Say About God

If God Be For Us

Romans 8:35
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

What would we say if things don’t work out like we thought they were suppose to? Shall we give up and say that God does not always complete what He says in His word He will do for us? That is a good question, and I am sure everyone has a different answer for what they believe, and what they say to the things written in God‘s word. God has demonstrated His love towards us, in that while mankind was still sinners, Christ died for all mankind. If God would send His Son to die for mankind, while mankind was living in sin against God’s will, then what could separate us from His love?

Faith is a two way street, we can move towards the destination of our faith or move away from it. The choice is up to us, as to how far we are willing to go in faith believing God for a miracle.

Trusting God without Reservation

At one time I had a distributorship installing Aerobic Treatment systems in Texas. When my co-worker and I arrived at my place of business, the morning of an Aerobic installation project, the sky was very dark and I could see it could easily start raining. I decided to start driving to the project and believe by faith that God would not let it rain there, even after the protest of my co-worker saying this was crazy and it was going to rain.

While on route the Septic Tank Pumping company called me and said; “It is raining, do you still want me to meet you on that project?” I told him to meet me there, it would be okay. It rained on us all the way to the street where the project was located, but when we turned on that street it was not raining on that street. When we all had arrived in front of the house and all stepped out of our vehicles. The Septic pumping man said to me; “It is raining at the other end of this street, are you sure you want to do this?” Then my co-worker said sarcastically; “David thinks God is not going to let it rain on this job!” I said; “that is right, get the shovel, uncover the tanks and lets get them pumped out.” We completed that project with Godrain falling all around us, and it did not rain on that job that day. God answered my faith in His word; “23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.“(Mark 11:23-24) …read more

What if God

“Is God really going to do this for me?”, “Can I receive a miracle from God?”, “Will this really happen for me?” When you are believing God for a miracle, these are questions that may come to your mind. I can tell you of many times when I believed God was going to do something for me and it didn’t turn out the way I thought it would. Each time I had a choice to make, I could throw in the towel and say: “this faith stuff doesn’t work,” or I could choose to say: “What then shall I say to these things? If God is for me who could be against me? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness separate me from His love? No in all these things I am more than a conqueror through Jesus.”

Beloved, when you put your trust in God to perform His word in your life, don’t give up at the first sign of defeat that makes you think this wont work for you. Study God’s word to build a sure foundation in your life that is solid. Check out our Links page and find out positive things other Christians had to say about miracles that happened to them as they trusted God. Don’t let scoffers and thoughts of defeat discourage you in any way, establish your own relationship with God. Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6) In trusting God’s word you will find that God’s word never returns to God void of what He said it would do, and never fails to produce the effect that He intends. (Isaiah 55:11)

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