Jesus is doing the works

Who is Doing the Works?

John 14:10-11 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake.

Do we say Jesus did these works we accomplish through us or do we say that we accomplished these things through Jesus? For the most part I have always said Jesus is working in me and through me. I recently discovered that for the most part that saying puts Jesus in back and me in front. Where if I say I accomplished these things through Jesus then He did the works and not me and puts the outcome in proper perspective. The Bible makes reference that the Father did the works in John 5:19, John 5:30, John 8:28-29, John 3:34, John 7:14-17, John 10:32, John14:10, Acts 2:22,-24 and Acts 10:36 and Jesus said he could of his own self do nothing. With Jesus in us we do all the works through Him the same way He did through His Father, who was in Him.

This may seem confusing since it seems the statement Jesus is accomplishing through us or we doing the works through Him could be the same. A good example was when the disciples went fishing and fished all night and caught nothing. Early in the morning they saw Jesus on the shore and He told them to throw their net in on the right side of the boat. Jesus knew they had caught nothing all night and He was about to show them that through Him they could accomplish great things. When they did as Jesus had asked there were so many fish that the net began to tear. In John 21:10 Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.” graciously giving them the credit for the works that He had just accomplished. The difference in their fishing all night which caught nothing and fishing through the Words of Jesus was; through Him they caught the fish but without working through Him they did not succeed. We might think: “Those disciples were Christian’s and with Jesus every day, why wasn’t Jesus blessing their fishing?” Doing the works through Jesus brings the greater success vs. doing these things on your own strength and knowledge.

Jesus is doing the worksDoing the Works through Jesus

When we are born again we receive the Spirit of God into our spirit and become joint heirs with Jesus doing the works through His sacrifice for us. We become the righteousness of God in Christ. What is the righteousness of God? The person of Jesus Himself is the righteousness of God. So we receive Jesus as our righteousness and He dwells in us and we are doing the works of our accomplishments through Jesus. This gift of righteousness is a powerful gift that can cause us to reign in life by Christ Jesus. Jesus is not reigning in life through us and making us look good so He can be put on the back shelf. We are doing these works through Jesus and reigning in life because of Him and through Him when we put Jesus out into the forefront of all that we do or say. It bypasses the public opinion on proper conversation to mention Jesus in your business, grocery store, sports, or anything else you do. But when you place Jesus in the forefront and say; all that you are, and all that you do is through Him, you will reign in life with God’s Son as your guide. Distinguishing Jesus as your guide in life will show you how to catch the net breaking abundance of everything you try to accomplish.we accomplish through Jesus doing the works


To start doing the Works through Jesus

You may have heard someone say Jesus is their copilot while actually He should be the pilot. The best time to begin doing the works through Jesus is today. The Bible says today is the day of salvation, that is not a cliché to give us a ticket to heaven. Salvation is the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to help us reign in life over danger, poverty and sickness through Jesus. Beloved begin today to give Jesus first place in you’re thoughts, your speaking and everything you accomplish. When you are doing the works through Jesus, He will show you what side of your boat the net breaking load of fish is waiting to be caught.saved by grace doing the works

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