Righteousness is Made
Romans 10:6
… the righteousness of faith speaks…
By design from the sins of Adam, man works by the sweat of his brow. Since mankind is absorbed in working for everything, when Born Again through Jesus, the free gift of righteousness is given to mankind and is hard to understand. With the mankind work effort mentality, to have righteousness it would seem we would have to do something to get it. This makes it difficult to submit to God’s righteousness, not understanding His gift of righteousness, so mankind tries to establish his own righteousness naturally. Using the works he has always been use to doing. (Romans 10:3, Genesis 3:19,)
When Moses was speaking about the righteousness that comes from the law to the Jews he said: “The person who does these things will live by them.” So for them to work righteousness they must live by the entire law of God under the outdated old covenant. But to honor God in the New Covenant where Jesus is our righteousness, our faith speaks of His righteousness which in turn leads to our blessings. Because if you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and in your heart you have faith that your words are true, you will be saved, healed and delivered. Trusting with the heart leads to righteousness, and confessing with the mouth leads to salvation. (Romans 10:7-9)
Speaking Righteousness
Righteousness Received
Beloved, when you honor God by speaking of His righteousness, you speak the truths into your life and into the lives of others. God is very pleased to hear that you are honoring Jesus with your words of faith in His righteousness gifted to you, and not your own right doing.
