
Below are a list of prayers you can pray for yourself or others. For the entire prayer click through all the tabs at the top of the pages.

Prayer For Deliverance

Heavenly Father I praise you and magnify your Holy Name. I come before you believing it is your will to deliver my from all principalities and rulers of darkness. Jesus said: Behold I give you power over serpents and scorpions and every power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall harm me
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Prayer for Salvation

Click through the Tabs for the entire prayer. God in Heaven, I believe that you loved the world so much that you sent Your only begotten Son into this world to pay the penalties for my sins John 3:16. Jesus not only paid for my sins but He gave me the gift of His Righteousness (read more)

Prayer for Communion

Click through the Tabs for the entire prayer. with You and Remembrance of what Jesus has done for me. Isaiah 43:26 says: Put me in remembrance, let us plead together; rehearse thine own cause, that thou mayest be justified. Father Remember Jesus took my diseases and Jesus took my sickness, Father these communion elements are (read more)

Prayer for Healing

Heavenly Father I praise you and magnify Your Holy Name. I come before you believing it is Your will to heal my whole body. Healing was paid for by Jesus on the cross and total healing includes every part of my body. You bought me at a price and I desire to glorify You in (read more)