
No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper Isaiah 54:17

When A Weapon Formed Seems to Prosper

Isaiah 54:17
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD.

What a promise from God in Isaiah 54:17 saying No weapon formed against you shall prosper! Does it seem that a weapon has formed against you and is prospering even though Isaiah 54:17 says it shall not prosper? This promise has a condition, Isaiah 54:14 says “In righteousness you shall be established” and this condition is not hard to meet since you already have your righteousness in Jesus. When you have received Jesus, you have received the gift of Righteousness. (Romans 5:17) Since this righteousness is the Lords, and it is given to you as a gift, you are established in righteousness. In Isaiah 54:17 we are told this righteousness is an inheritance, that these tongue’s that rise against us and weapons shall not prosper.

Is the Weapon Formed Reality?

When we see a weapon formed against us we do see reality. The perception of reality we use is what we can see, hear, smell or touch and sometimes our perception of reality causes worry. Our experiences in life form our reality mind set about life, what is real and what is not real. Each of us is prepared to venture into different types of faith; like faith in God, maybe faith in luck or faith in others to a certain point, until our reality zone kicks in and we form opinions based on our experiences with each of these types of faith. Most Christians are willing to believe that Jesus died for their sins and when they die they will go to heaven because of Jesus, besides its easy, no one can prove the reality of it after they are dead. But when the same Christian is faced with something that challenges their reality, they may or may not be willing to step out of their reality zone into a faith in something that they can’t see, hear, smell or touch. This then becomes a weapon in itself, formed against them by the devil.

God’s Word is delivered to us as a promise from God, to change our perception of reality and make changes in our life on earth and give us assurance of a life to come hereafter. To receive these precious promises, we must believe that God is who He says He is and that He is a re-warder of those who diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6) The Bible says the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), and the devil would very much like for you to believe your perception of reality and not God’s Word. We must know that while the devil tries to do these things he has no power to succeed. His threats are an empty loins roar with no power against us. Jesus says to you and me in Luke 10:19: “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURT YOU.” The word nothing here is similar to the words in Isaiah 54:17 where it says NO weapon.

How can “No Weapon Formed Against Us Prosper” Become Reality in Our Lives?

You must find out the truth of God’s Word and base your life on those truths by standing on the promises of God concerning you. When you do this, the worry and fear begin to go away, and then you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear… (Isaiah 54:14)

Beloved, when the pressure is on, continue to hold fast to God’s Word knowing that you, as a Christian, inherited the Righteousness of God in Christ. When you dispel the fear in your heart with His word, and keep believing and confessing your righteousness is in Christ against the problem, the miracle workings of God’s Word will break forth in your life giving you divine protection and blessings in your life. Then you will see the reality of No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper!

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