Run The Race Starting At The Finish Line

Run The Race Starting At The Finish Line

The Race Is Blessed in Jesus, You’re a Winner!

Philippians 4:19 & Colossians 2:9-10
 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.

When you give your life to Jesus you are “Born Again” into all the fullness, all the strength, and all the blessings that the fullness of the Godhead brings to you. You are totally complete in Jesus, the same as if you have started running a race from the finish line. Sometimes well-meaning Christians give you a list of things you need to do to become a complete Christian, but according to Colossians 2:9 you already are complete in Him. What you are actually doing when you study God’s Word, going to church, praying or any other thing concerning your new life in Him, is learning about and acting on the blessings you already have in Jesus.

Jesus Helps You Jump Over Obstacles

You’re running the race set before you, moving full speed ahead with God’s blessing overtaking you at every step. Then suddenly, wham! You hit the wall. It may be a wall of sickness, financial trouble, spiritual failure, or family problems. But, regardless of the form it takes, the effect of “the wall” is always the same. It stops you cold. The question is, once you hit a wall like that, what will you do? You’ll be tempted to quit, to turn back in defeat. But don’t do it. Because God will enable you to break through that wall, by your faith and trust in His Grace, and then you can keep right on going. I’m not trying to tell you it is easy, problems are hurdles you must jump over. Jesus tells us in the world this type of tribulation will happen, but as you take His yoke upon yourself, you will find His way is easy and His burden is light and together yoked with Him, you are enabled to push on through the tough times and have a breakthrough. (Matthew 11:29, John 16:33)

Catch Your Second Wind in Jesus

Athletes call “hitting the wall.” a time when the body says, “That’s it. That’s all I can do. I can’t go any further. I can’t go any faster. I quit.” But the seasoned athlete knows that “the wall” isn’t the end. It’s a signal that he’s on the verge of a breakthrough. If he’ll toughen up and push himself a little more, he’ll get a second wind. Suddenly, he’ll go faster than before. He’ll reach a level of excellence he couldn’t have reached any other way. You can do this too and, like the dawn of the morning, light will come pouring in. You’ll see the way to break through in Jesus.

Beloved, you are complete in Jesus and have the authority of Jesus backing you. When you study God’s Word from this position of power in Him, all you have to do is punch one little hole in that wall of problems, dig one tiny hole in it with your faith and the Word of God. Then the water of His Word will rush thru that hole and change your situations into blessings in Him as you run this race from the finish line already a winner!

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