The Fruit Comes By Our Words
Isaiah 57:19
I create the fruit of the lips…
The Fruit of Our Mouth is Power
When the regenerated born again person realizes the power that is in the tongue, they can begin bearing fruit that comes from speaking the wisdom of Gods Word and not the negative thoughts of the natural man sometimes sent as fiery darts to keep them from His blessings. (James 3:13, Ephesians 6:16) God plans for us to use His creative power, through our words, to change the fruit of our lives and quench these thoughts of fire and destruction. (James 3:13, Isaiah 57:19, Ephesians 6:16)
Sometimes we get in situations where we think Gods Word we are speaking is not working. When that happens don’t speak these thoughts against the truth of Gods Word, which is there to help us. (James 3:14) What we don’t realize is the speaking of the truth of God’s word, instantly begins to counteract all the negative situations. The more we speak what Gods word says about our situation, the more the change happens. It is like a rudder on a ship, once the rudder has told the ship to go a different direction it takes time to turn the ship around. (James 3:4) We must practice patience and give time for the works of God to complete. (James 1:4)
Change Directions with the Fruit of Your Mouth
While we are waiting for the ship to turn around, sometimes this brings strife and confusion and can even undo the good things God desires for us to have if we speak adversely to what is desired. (James 3:14-16) We need to realize that the fruit of our words coming from His word, and confirmed in our spirit by His Spirit, is real and meant for our well-being and will come to pass. (James 3:17) When we believe God desires for our lives to bear fruit, and believe He gave us the gift of righteousness as our admission ticket to seeing Gods Word activated in our lives, we speak His words with confidence and believe it will come to pass. (James 3:17) CLICK HERE to read a testimony of how my words came to pass bearing good fruit in my life.
Beloved, know that God makes happen what you speak by creating the fruit of your lips. (Isaiah 57:19) Release any past negative words you have spoken and let the fruit of new words blossom in your life today! God wants you healed, prosperous, and led into comfortable living as He leads you out of a life of sorrow and mourning into the glorious light of His word. (Isaiah 57:18)
Gods blessings are so abundant through His people. Leah and I had just got done praying this morning for forgiveness for our hardened heart and negative attitude in our lives. We just prayed that we would walk in His light and not in our darkness, that we would forgive before we spoke of someone, we prayed that we would not dwell on our situation and wait patiently for God to move in His mighty ways. Prayed that I would not be so negative in my speech. It is scary when you read in Gods Word that what comes out of your mouth is what’s in your heart. After we prayed I then checked our email and found our friend David’s daily devotional. Thanks Lord Jesus for your confirmation and answer to our prayers and thanks David for Your Devotion to His people. Merry Christmas.
It is truly amazing grace the way that God works… I was not going to finish this devotional today but God compelled me to do so!
Marry Christmas to y’all