Proverbs 18:21 (paraphrased)
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love to talk will eat their own words.
Words to Receive Your Inheritance
The inheritance we have received from God is by grace through faith. The reception of this inheritance is for imperfect people. When we ask God for healing, prosperity or any other benefit we have through the gift of righteousness, we must acknowledge in our words we only deserve it because of Jesus. By speaking of the perfection of Jesus, and acknowledging our weakness can bring grace and faith together establishing the desired results. For when we are weak that is when we are strong. (2 Corinthians 12:10)
Words That Open Gods Flow of Grace
The cycle of grace by faith comes to those who are of a humble heart, acknowledging they are not perfect, but saved by grace. We see sick imperfect people all around us. It is easy to judge the imperfect sinners by our righteous actions saying: “I would have never done that” or “I can’t believe they did that” or any other self-righteous thoughts or words. As you acknowledge your imperfections before God, begin to pray for others you see all around you needing Gods grace, your words open the flow of Gods Grace into both of your lives. As words of grace, precede to those in need of Gods grace, the pipe flowing grace from God, rebounds back grace into the life of the person speaking these words.
The perfect time to pray for grace to be distributed to others is when you are struggling with something or when you feel unworthy. Beloved, by acknowledging that by His stripes we’re healed, saved and delivered is speaking faith by grace and will bring results. The words for life are in the power of the tongue of grace for all to whom they are spoken.