Let All Your Projects Reflect God’s Grace In Your Life
Hebrews 13:9 (NCV)
Do not let all kinds of strange teachings lead you into the wrong way. Your hearts should be strengthened by God’s grace…
When you venture away from seeing God’s Grace helping you, and begin to see yourself as the one who made the accomplishments or met the challenge, then you have removed God from the project and claimed you did it all by yourself. This is by your works and not with a heart established in God’s Grace. The outcome will be as good as you can do on your own.
God’s Grace Is A Gift
As you learn more about God’s love for you, and His unmerited favor of inherited blessings He has for you, then you will begin to see yourself living in freedom and liberty that Jesus qualified you for. God wants your heart to be established in the knowledge of Jesus and to know His protection, healing, righteousness, prosperity and any other thing you may need that are gifted to you by grace thru faith. The way these blessings are realized is to establish your heart in His grace. Under the old covenant you could receive God’s blessings if you kept all of God’s Laws. Under the new covenant Jesus kept the laws for you and your sins no longer disqualify you. (Hebrews 8:11-13)
Receive the Blessings of Grace with Your Heart Established
We need to remember the gospel we have heard is good news to the hearers. He took away the first covenant that He may establish the second. (Hebrews 10:9) The New Covenant is not established on laws that God found fault with, knowing man could not keep them. This new covenant is established on purely the merits of Jesus, and we inherit the blessings He acquired for us by grace thru faith. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Beloved keep your heart established in the merits of Jesus, and know that by faith in Him all your needs are met. What ever you do, believe He is with you. With His promises established in your heart, your accomplishments and challenges will prosper above your ability .