Resume For Success Wanted In Life
Resume for Success Based On Dependence On God’s Grace
I am applying for success in life based on no qualifications of my own, and I don’t deserve anything on my merits other than based on what God has said I can have through Jesus. I want to enjoy this abundant life Jesus has for me, I previously had worry’s about sins I committed. Now I see I am sin free because Jesus washed them away and He qualifies me in His righteousness.
My objectives are to have fun, and from what I see in God’s word, joy is mine to have! I can go fishing, hunting, boating skiing or anything else I want to do with the blessings of God protecting me and guiding me. I don’t have a lot of experience and skills where success is concerned, but Jesus has told me He would give me His Knowledge and Wisdom for success, this has equipped me for every good work and made me qualified in Him.
My background in success has not been something I can brag about, but Jesus has given me His background, as if it was my own. He has successfully secured all authority in Heaven and Earth, and given me all that I would need to make me qualified where education and background are concerned. I am not a leader in my church, I sit on the back row, but Jesus has said the last shall be first so you can expect to see me excel in a leadership position in Him.
Letter to the Accepted Applicant for the Position of Success In Jesus!
Dear Applicant, we have found you in good standing with God from your Resume that was based on God’s Word. You are qualified for the success in life that you applied for. According to His Word you can do all things thru Christ who strengthens you. (Philippians 4:13) With the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Lord you are using, we are sure you will have great success in all that you do. We are so thrilled that you applied for the success in life, we have decided to bless you with a desires that should bring much joy, so you can begin to enjoy the successful life that you applied for. Your faith in Jesus Christ finished works has brought you all the success you will need!
Thank you for your application, but as it turned out, God had His eye on you before you applied.