Psalm 1 Like a Tree by Rivers of Water

Bearing Fruit by Rivers of Water

Psalm 1:3
3He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.

Psalm 1 says that someone is going to be very blessed; even like a tree planted by rivers of water with abundance of supply! 2 Corinthians 13:1, Deuteronomy 19:15, Matthew 18:16 and other places say let every word be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. These blessings are then established for this person since Jeremiah 17:7-9 also confirms it.

So are there any requirements for someone to be very blessed like this tree by the river with an abundant supply. In Psalm 1 the requirement is to be a truly happy person not following wicked advice, not standing on the road of sinners, and not sitting with the disrespectful scoffing people. Instead of doing those things, this person loves the Instruction of God’s Word, and they recite God’s Instruction day and night! The other witness, Jeremiah; says to not trust in humans and depend wholly upon the Lord. WOW, pretty tough row to hoe if I do say so myself… Who could possibly keep up with these requirements in today’s world without failing at some point?

I have good news for Christians; these requirements were kept for us. Jesus has fulfilled every requirement of the law, every requirement of perfection was found in Him. Afterwards He has graciously given all these benefits to His followers.

Rivers of Water Flowingrivers of water

When a person believes in Jesus and is “Born Again“, they can expect the rivers of water will be flowing from them in many fashions. (John 7:37-39) God has promised us the mind of Christ can be put on, so we can expect God’s wisdom to come forth from us. (1 Corinthians 2:16 ) We have been given a free gift of righteousness that flows from us without our application of it, that we will reign in life! (Romans 5:16-18) Through the perfection and holiness of Jesus precious blood, which poured out washing our sins away, we have been redeemed to reign in life like a tree planted by rivers of water, bearing fruit in our season. (1 Peter 1:17-19)

Rivers of Water Will Flow

Anyone who thirst let him come to the source of the water that flows, planting himself in the wonders and grace of God’s love. Receive the Spirit of God, and let special God breathed, Holy Spirit inspired words flow from your innermost being. Build yourself up in your faith in Jesus, praying in the Holy Spirit, basking yourself in His wonderful love. (Jude 1:19-21)

Beloved, we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, made children of God to receive an incorruptible inheritance from God as joint heirs with Jesus. (Romans 8:16-18) Trust in God to make you strong and more than an over-comer of anything and everything in your life. Keep splashing the water of His word onto the bank where you have been planted in Jesus. Receive the rivers of water which are flowing into your life through Jesus, speak words of faith in Him making you strong and durable as a well-watered tree.

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