Let Your Focus Be On Jesus Your Healer

Let Your Focus Be On Jesus Your Healer

Look At Jesus Your Healer Instead

Numbers 21:9
So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.

Have you wondered why the pain in your body is still there even though Jesus your healer took your infirmities and bore your sicknesses? Isaiah 53:4 and Matthew 8:17 says: According to God’s Word Jesus has taken our sickness upon Himself so that you would not have to bear it. In Numbers 21:9 the imagery of the serpent on the pole was used to teach that Jesus will be lifted up on a cross as a cure for people’s punishment for sin.  The people looking on the serpent on the pole represents a cure for their punishment for sin from sickness caused from the snake bite.

The children of Israel were bitten by deadly desert serpents because they sinned speaking bitterly against God. The bites were painful and deadly. So God told Moses to place this bronze serpent on a pole, (a picture of Jesus on the cross), as a visible means for repentant believers to be saved from the deadly snake bite sickness. (John 3:14) This serpent, the peoples judgment for their sin, was being judged on the pole. In this same manner, our judgment of our sin, was judged on the cross thru Jesus.

Those who kept their eyes on the serpent on the pole, survived the painful deadly snake bite sickness. Those who focused on their wounds, still looking for a solution other than the solution God provided, died. In this same manner the devil would like for the distraction of pain and sickness to keep you from looking to the solution Jesus made for you.

God’s Word Declares Jesus Your Healer

God’s Word declares, “Surely our sicknesses he hath borne, and our pains — he hath carried them…” (Isaiah 53:4) Since Jesus has already taken your sickness and pain at the cross, then He cannot “untake” them. Since this is a finished work, don’t let the distraction of pain and sickness cause you to find it hard to believe that Jesus has paid for your healing, especially when the pain is unbearable, the truth is that it is still paid for.

God is not saying that your sickness does not exist, nor is He asking you to pretend that it is not there. He is asking you to look away from the sickness, painful as it may be, and look to the truth that it has already been judged at the cross in the body of His Son.

My wife was in a car accident that caused her to have a broken neck. When she was in the hospital recovering I would visit her every day and read healing scriptures to her. In the same manner that the people were told to focus on the solution to their sickness my wife focused on “Jesus The Healer” as her solution. In one week from the day of the wreck she was released to go home and the next weekend we went camping. Her recovery was amazing to all the doctors and nurses and they were talking about it all over the hospital. We even had people coming to the room asking if Debbie was the miracle girl they had heard about who was having a miracle recovery. You can read about this by clicking HERE.

Jesus Your Healer

Jesus Your HealerSo stop looking at your sickness. Instead, look to the cross and see your sickness already judged in the body of Jesus your healer. See the serpent judged for the sickness he has caused you and his authority taken away. Surely, Jesus your healer, has borne your sicknesses and carried your pains! That is the truth of God’s Word. And His Word supersedes natural facts.

Beloved, as you focus on God’s Word as the solution provided for your sickness and disease, you will see the results for your recovery from Jesus your Healer.

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