
A Full Assurance Of Faith

Keep The Switch Of Faith On

Hebrews 10:22
let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

When you turn on a light switch, darkness in the room has to flee; in this same manner when you turn on the switch of faith, the darkness of doubt and unbelief has to flee. Many people miss out on God’s Blessings because they don’t receive an instant manifestation of what they are believing for; or they are believing for something without any foundation of God’s Word for it. The best way to have the switch of faith stay on, is to not interfere with the process, or tell faith how to accomplish its end. Once you have flipped on the switch of faith, don’t turn it on and off; don’t inspect it to see if it’s working or not.

Building a Good Foundation For Faith

Faith is not a leap in the dark off the edge of a cliff. Many think that with a leap of faith like this, all the way down their hope is that something will brake the fall and save them. This is not biblical faith because biblical faith knows the final outcome, with truth based on God’s revealed truth  from His word.

To have thoughts that you may not have enough faith or that your faith is not working can also be a stumbling block for building a good foundation for faith. When you look unto yourself for building up your faith, or not having enough faith, you are trying to become the improver of your faith. We are told in Hebrews 12:2 to look unto Jesus, who is not only the author of our faith, but is also the completion and finisher of our faith. We must know in our heart His goal is to finish and improve our faith. We need to realize that faith does not save us, Jesus does, and by basing our hope in Him we are building a good foundation for our faith.

Bible Faith is Trust, Hope and Belief in the Goodness, Trustworthiness or Reliability of God

When we put our faith in the Bible and what God says He will do or has done for us, then we are trusting in God’s goodness and trustworthiness. When we realize that God held nothing back and actually sent His Son to take our punishment for sins, then we can see without a doubt that God loves us with a love that is absolutely amazing. We know that by God paying this ultimate payment for our sin debt it is totally paid for, and even overpaid. So that He might present us as a faithglorious church without spot or blemish. (Ephesians 5:25-32) With this knowledge we can have full assurance of faith in God’s word thru the Bible knowing that God is for us and we can rest in these promises.

Beloved, keep the switch of faith turned on, base your faith in God’s word, be of good courage and He will bring it to pass.

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