Is There Anything God Cannot Do?
Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,
We know that nothing is too hard for God, and with Him anything is possible since we know He created the Universe and all within. But this verse says that for God to do this is “according to” the power that works in us. This power working in our lives must come from within us pushing us past the knowledge of “God is able” into the knowledge of “God is doing”. How can we release the power that is already inside us and see God doing things in our lives that are way beyond our ability to accomplish or even think of?
Have Faith In God
When we read about how God performed miracles thru Moses with the rod in his hand, how Jesus fed the multitudes with bread and a few small fish, about the strength of Samson, how David slew Goliath with a sling and a few small stones, and all of the other great miracles thru the Bible, we can have some vision of what God actually will do in the lives of His people. In all these instances these people had to have faith that God is who He says He is and that God would do what He said He would do. Today, when we step out in faith acting on God’s written word, should we expect any less to happen for us?
Thru God All Things Are Possible
It was thru God’s boldness in Paul and his personal experiences that produced these words in Ephesians 3:20. Paul knew first hand about the power that was at work in himself, should we expect less from God to be at work in us? We are told we are sons of God, and heirs of God, and this special inherited power residing in us can be released. Since we are sons and daughters of God; that is how we are going to see wonderful and exciting things happening in our lives.
You must learn to rid yourself of doubting thoughts that God might not give you His promises, especially if the thoughts have anything to do with your ability to get these promises. It is not our power that is working in us it is God’s power that works in us. Jesus is your ability, you have been redeemed by His ability and you are qualified by His qualifications. So remove all negative thoughts about your ability and know that God is for you and not against you and learn to rest in these promises. (Hebrews 4:10-11)
Beloved, when you want to see God doing exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think, you will need to learn how to release the power that is already at work in you. Since it is God’s power and not yours, the best way to start releasing this power is to find out what God has promised you in the Bible. Begin to see these promises as inherited blessings that Jesus has qualified you for. Then you will see God’s power in you at work in your life.